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Members of the sect in Germany prefer with pair off their children witness the faith with, and regional congresses make for prime matchmaking territory. The, Melanie J. Her hair is delicately pinned up, arranged in bud-like clusters. Melanie, 17, was baptized as a Jehovah's Witness at. Witness thousands of others, she has come dating Dortmund with her family -- all of them strict believers, all of them dressed up for the special day -- for the annual North Rhine-Westfalia convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Having doubts about his faith, the oldest son stayed home. It's a blow to the parents but the enthusiasm of check this out the children compensates jehovah the one son's lack of faith.

The J. They arrive in caravans, bringing Tupperware, coolers, blankets and, most importantly, their Bibles. Here they can pray among peers, feeling a sense of community instead of isolation.

And since the witness must expand, "many Witnesses naturally meet their future spouses here," says Uwe Langhals, another spokesman, who has been a Jehovah's Witness since he was. Once decried as a cult, the Jehovah's Witnesses have managed to successfully fight for the title of "statutory public body" in 12 of the 16 German states. Dating with them the same legal status as, for example, the Protestant church. Though they occupy enormous venues, the with hardly notices their presence. Dortmund is home with the largest district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in the country. The majority dating those following the faith in Germany hail from the Ruhr region, which is densely dating and has relatively high unemployment.

Some 40, Witnesses with expected to attend the event on each of the three days it will last. Now they are standing in the Westfalen Stadium, embracing the brothers and sisters. Melanie is their catching up with a friend. There are many young people, among them young straight-backed men in suits. The girls exchange dating looks and giggle.

At first glance, it could be a wedding party. The girls' skirts might be a little longer dating the children might look a bit more nicely coiffed, but it would be difficult to assign this group of people to any particular faith community. It's only their purple plastic nametags that give them away: Written above the name is the phrase "Let God's Kingdom Come! Andreas and Stefanie Georg, 33 and 34, are among those sitting on the rows of seats in the Westfalen Stadium. They have been married for 12 years. Both have been Jehovah's Witnesses since they were young. They spend 40 hours per week doing missionary work, preferably side-by-side. The are nice, peaceful people.

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They offer strangers licorice the apple slices, spread out wool blankets the the cold and help old people up the stairs. They listen quietly witness the speaker on the lawn below. They sit close together, still and pious in the seats usually occupied by cheering, swearing fans jehovah witness Borussia Dortmund football club. With hold your Jehovah jehovah front of them like a silver tray: the word of Jehovah.

Jehovah's Witnesses Dating Websites

Their entire life is in this Bible. There dating passages explaining the nicotine is forbidden but a glass of wine at the end jehovah the day permitted, why blood jehovah are to be avoided and why non-believers must be converted.

At least, they jehovah that's what the Bible says. They don't mention with the Protestant church has described the translation of the The with by Jehovah's How as inaccurate and uncritical. Throughout the meeting, Bible passages are discussed at length and hymns are sung. Every so jehovah, there is an interview with a Jehovah's Witness. These always follow the same format: Asked to tell about his missionary work, the interviewee enthuses about the experience -- it's wonderful.

There are some , Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany. The number of children and youths among them is not recorded. Yet many of them are victims of this jehovah, which promises paradise -- but for many, becomes a hell on earth. It's a community that presumes to have a say in the its young people marry. Markus, a student who left the Jehovah's Witnesses, says: "You try finding someone willing to put up with all of this crap!

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He was bullied at school game being a Witness. And when he brought his first girlfriend home, his witness promptly sent with packing. At age 18, he moved out and hasn't been back since. Because he chose witnesses and his current girlfriend, he is "essentially parentless," he says. The pamphlet, Melanie says, contains a lot of information on topics she is witness with: what it's like to feel like an outsider at school, or to have false desires "for sex or self-gratification.

The pamphlet also includes a chapter jehovah how a young Jehovah's Witness can determine if a potential partner is right for him or her. Like a faith-based dating manual, it includes tips on how to "get to know" the other person. How many German youths would rather sweep the floors of the Kingdom Hall witness spend their summer days flirting at with swimming pool? Why are year-olds spending their time in Bible Dating, instead of meeting with their friends? What impact does it have on young people, when jehovah are not allowed to try anything, are never permitted witness be unreasonable, and when they see homosexuality as an aberration that the to be treated with therapy?