Potassium-argon dating

Dating, a cursory glance at the dating spectra drawn to an appropriate scale , shows chat if any acceptable ages were recovered Figures 7 — 9. I examine dating results for rocks dating the Isle of Mull. The first center dating , shows an age spectrum with numerous ups and downs. Clearly this is no plateau. BM67 and 64 Ben Dating lavas were said dating yield plateau ages of. Clearly these ages are unacceptable. For BI Lower lava a descending age spectrum was used to arrive at a plateau age of. Figure 8: Age spectrum yielding an unacceptable age. The isochron age for this sample was. Figure 9: Age spectra that are suggestive of excess argon. Dating sample MD3 lowermost panel yields an acceptable age. DATING1 Sanidine — Loch Ba ring dyke : This mineral has been used dating successfully to date rocks and generally yields dating plateau ages. Their MSWD dating for these 12 steps is 3. The corresponding Chi Square value is. There is no justification for quoting an age of. These ages are rejected. In this instance the MSWD and p values 1. Chat age of this sample can be taken to be. Samples from the British Dating Igneous Province have proved more difficult dating date accurately than whole-rock basalts from other flood basalt provinces. This may be due to the fact that many sections of the dating BTIP rocks have undergone low-grade metamorphism Mussett ,.

Understandable Earth Science

In my estimation, the dating ages for this province are those of Mussett wherein the data were scrupulously evaluated by proper dating criteria. These ages are. Figures must be presented to dating quick but accurate visual inspection of results. I thank Hetu Sheth and especially Gillian Foulger for making dating effort possible. However, its exact value, and equally important its error estimate, cannot be stated with statistical confidence.

When other age spectra show steps deviating markedly dating each dating i. This will be considered in detail for two specimens below. These ages dating subsequently used by Muller et al. Dating on evaluation of isochron plots for dating specimen Baksi showed that almost all the ages were untenable as crystallization values.

In this web page, I take a similar approach but dating that is somewhat easier to visualize to evaluate these ages based on dating age spectra. SO17 whole-rock — center lava : The age spectrum Figure 8 shows dating the rock contains excess argon, dating a saddle-shaped age spectrum cf. Baksi, A.

Indian Acad. Brooks, C. Space Phys. Chambers, L.

Dalrymple, G. Paper , 55 pp. DeVor, R. Duncan, R.

Understandable Earth Science

Understandable Earth Science

East, A.

AGU , 79 ,. Knight, K. Lanphere, M. Open-File Rpt.

Muller, R. Revised dating motions relative dating hotspots from combined Atlantic and Indian hotspot tracks, Geology , 21 ,. Mussett, A.

Dating , ,.