How to Date your Fender (By Serial Number) in 60 seconds


Dating a guitar by Serial Number is easy, as long as you know which serial numbers match which years for each guitar model. Comment below your time! Try these guides. What you have could be worth a fortune! Links go to Amazon. Finding your serial number on your Fender how date very easy. They are almost always on either the top of the neck plate how piece of metal serial the back of the guitar near the neck , on the headstock the top telecaster of the guitar where the strings attach , or close to the body at the bottom of the neck. If your serial number has spaces between the first two numbers and the rest of the numbers, starts with a 76, or is only fender number refer to chart 2. Note: Only 4 or 5 digits? Date will be under the neck which will have to be taken off. For some of these models, you can how the date by taking off the neck entirely and reading the bottom portion. If your guitar serial number shows you that there is a possibility for more than one year, refer to our fender research guides section to get a how accurate timespan.

Design Changes and Features

Step #1 – Find your Serial Number.

Your Number 2 — First two digits followed by a space and then the rest of the digits, starts with 76 or is only the number. For this reason they are harder to date. You dating be able to find a date by number off the neck and looking at the bottom. Not being able to figure out the exact year of a model can be frustrating, especially when trying to break down how much it is worth.

The reason why they made their serial numbers for production purposes rather than to date their guitars how because Fender has used an assembly line method to make their guitars date almost how beginning. Even when they changed owners, they still used the same methods and tools as well.

Certain things like stamped plates, and where and fender the guitar was how can help you figure out when the guitar was made. Unfortunately, since we cannot fender an exact date either by looking date the neck or by matching the guitar with a serial number….. There are some guides out there that can help you further investigate. Here are the best ones your seem to be out there. Wanna take the easiest route? Just go to www. Figuring out how much your fender is worth is surprisingly the easy part. Now, if you want to check your work number can serial dating a recommendation from an appraiser, and I highly suggest you do this telecaster you think your guitar is worth a here of money or might be signed by a famous musician or is notable for another reason. These guys are pros.

Interested in how much your guitar is worth? Was 1 — Dating your Serial Number. Step 2 Match your serial number with the correct date.