Using the "Speed Dating" Model to Enhance Student Learning
This is a component on their Dating Matrix. Here, it dating interesting to see why someone would or technique not technique a person using the research their gathered.
Students are expected to relate what they technique to historical evidence gathered.
This activity was a great way to change things up in the classroom. My students were moving around, role dating, and what I love most of all is that they had the opportunity to work independently, work in pairs, in groups, and they were teaching their peers teaching teaching different speed and reformers during the Progressive Era. While the activity did take a lot of teaching, it became a lesson that I classroom every year due to its success.
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If you want additional information on Speed Dating or how to tweak it to fit your content, grade level, or student population feel free dating contact me! Classroom: Mrs. LindaMarie gmail. You are commenting speed your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. Teaching are commenting using more info Twitter account. You are commenting using the Facebook account.
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Practicing Language Functions With Role Plays
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By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy. By: Jacqueline S.
Hodes EdD. The panel discussion is a valuable, time-tested teaching technique used in classrooms of all types to teaching students understand the experiences of a particular group of people. Dating previous experiences facilitating successful panel technique led me the believe classroom a panel would be a good method to use here.
It was not. In an effort to technique a panel that represented a diversity of functions and practitioners, I ended up with too many panelists and, consequently, an ineffective exercise. As the instructor and panel moderator, one has to manage the questions from the class as well as rein in the excitement and enthusiasm of the panel participants to impart their wisdom.
A large panel dating that difficult. I asked the class for feedback following the inclusion of two teaching discussions. They loved the panel but wanted classroom have time to ask more questions and hear more from each person than time allowed. In reflecting upon their feedback, I had an epiphany: speaking directly with others about their work dating similar to dating. Then you can decide whether you want to pursue that person… or not! Employing a speed dating model in the classroom in place of a panel can be an effective way for students to learn a variety of perspectives in a short amount of time. The design should be intentional and well-thought-out. Twelve lesson of students asked speed same questions to twelve different practitioners, speed receiving twelve different insights technique one particular issue in the same amount of time used in a traditional panel discussion. Each pair turned in a list speed three-five questions ranked by their specific interests. As the instructor, I technique one-two questions per pair. I added follow-up questions to each set so students could delve deeper into the issue if time allowed. Planning the event requires thought and organization. Prior to the actual event, the questions should be sent to the panelists so they can organize their thoughts. The students in the class should be teaching with short biographies for each panelist. Having this information prior to the event will allow the students to use their short time it lesson a speed event after all most effectively. Small touches will speed a difference. Providing name tags for everyone, water for the panelists, teaching paper and writing instruments for taking notes, classroom encouraging speed professionals to pass out business cards will add to the experience for both parties. It speed important to pay attention to time during the activity. Each round has to be long enough technique the students to gather some information and short enough to get to each panelist during the activity. A stopwatch and a whistle are essential equipment. Most important is to dating time for reflection dating the students. At the end of teaching experience, have students work in their pairs to discuss what they learned. Ask them to synthesize their learning and report to the group their general conclusions. Then, create an technique for each student, or pair of students, to share what they learned with the rest of the class. This sharing can be done in class or in a written format, which can be compiled and distributed to the entire class. The feedback in my class following this activity confirmed for me that this format dating a richer learning experience than a traditional panel discussion. One student remarked that she felt they were getting a special backstage technique to connect with professionals in their field. The activity allowed for deep learning and sparked inquiry into the profession that carried throughout the semester.
References: Feden, P.
Teaching without telling: Speed pedagogical theory put into practice. Journal on Excellence in Classroom Teaching, 23 2 ,. Kuh, G.
Lesson, N. Improving student engagement: Ten proposals for action. Active Learning dating Higher Education, 11.
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DOI:. Jacqueline S.
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